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It is never really an easy task to choose the perfect ring when you are ready to pop the biggest question of your life. You will probably be wondering… “How much is one engagement ring going to cost with the bling?”, “will I be buying the correct ring?”, “is she going to like it?”, “will she say yes when she sees it?” and the list of questions just go on and on…
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Here’s a few tips from EstyJames to help you get ready for that special day!
// O B S E R V E
It’s been 2 years, or maybe more. Surely there are sometimes where you and her spoke about marriage and a future together. She might spill her idea of how the dream wedding could look like and maybe, the design of the perfect wedding ring that she has been wishing for. Further to that, look at what she is always wearing, gold accessories or platinum? Diamonds or sapphire? Simple or classic? [ Listen, observe, remember ] and you will eventually know what you need to get. Sometimes it’s just as simple as that!
// S I Z E
Now that’s subjective! Generally the bigger it is, the happier she is. Oh we are totally talking about the diamond. But of course, diamonds are expensive. The ‘carat’ of a diamond often means the size and weight of that precious stone. It is possible to get a big rock on the ring if it is not an entirely pure diamond and still look pretty. Stones like Cubic Zirconia are one of the most popular ones if you are looking for a more affordable alternatives. On the other hand, if your girl is more of a delicate kind, then a smaller carat might achieve the look more than a bigger carat.
Pic shown is a Cubic Zirconia engagement ring
// C L A R I T Y
If you are still opting for a diamond ring, then you will need to start doing your homework and browse around before making the decision. ‘Clarity’ is one of the four C’s in diamond grading. A real natural diamond isn’t always flawless. There could be surface defects on the stone that we could not see it with our own eyes. This is where you will be handed a monocle to see the natural defects in it to define the quality of the stone.
// C O L O U R
The diamond ring you choose does need to be entirely ‘colourless’. The clearer and more colourless the diamond, the more expensive it will be undoubtedly. Sometimes, a slightly tinged yellow in the stone could achieve a vintage look if it is paired with the right design of the ring.
// C U T S
There are different types of diamond cuts (shapes), and the most common one would be the ‘Round Cut’. Go for that if you are uncertain. Definitely the safest option unless you are aware that she fancies a rather unique cut!
// M E T A L
If you have decided on the rock, now it’s time to choose your metal! Are most of her jewelries silver? Or she’s all about gold? Refer back to point 1 if you are uncertain. Gold is classic and rare, but platinum can be more durable to go with diamond. It is all up to her preference really, so observe.
// S H A N K
How do you want the band around her finger to look? While the ‘Cathedral’ can look very much vintage and royalty, the ‘Bypass’ seem to be more modern and exquisite. James got me the ‘Bypass’ in platinum and I’m absolutely in love with it.
// GIA
Before you are wondering what ‘Cut’ is this, GIA is the world’s foremost authority and non profit institution on diamonds, coloured stones and pearls. Every authentic diamond purchased will be given a GIA certificate to prove the authenticity and quality of the stone. In addition, you can double verify the certificate by going to their official website at www.gia.edu and key in the report number from the booklet to make sure that you did buy the right thing.
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The very delicate colourless diamond ring that James proposed with. It’s so pretty I love it more and more each day. Remember, all it takes to choose the perfect ring IS with a sincere heart. Good luck! x
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